Saturday, December 1, 2007

The Waiting

Our first snow season is on the radar for Monday. If we get 6 inches it should be enough to groom the trails for some pre-Christmas skiing! This winter we hope to get you more up to date trail conditions by having our grooming team post the conditions after they finish running the trails. To see those you will need to come to this blog area of our web page or directly here to our blog. It will also allow skiers to give feedback on conditions by leaving comments. Stay tuned for more on trail conditions later this month!

While skiers are getting excited, animals have a very different point of view about winter. Last Sunday I did some hiking around Range Pond State park (see Trails Near By Section for more info) and met a lady who told me of the 'stranded' Canadian goose. The goose which I found swimming all by itself on the pond is apparently unable to fly and has been left behind by its fellow flock who have long since gone south. I think about the goose almost every day since then. Swimming its lone course around the lake with about a month before things freeze up. Maybe it will find a kindly house on the lake to beg for food. More likely though, it will be forced off the water and have to contend with the predators that will find it land bound. I'll probably have to go back in a week or so and see how the goose is doing, but it makes you appreciate how lucky we are to play in winter and not have to struggle to survive..... the waiting continues.....

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